How could I implement and deploy a background process in Glassfish?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:35:57 PST

Hi, in our system whe have a lot of SNMP equipment, whose functionality we manage through several EJB3 session beans; we use JMS to send events and notifications to our swing clients. One of our client application, is a browser that display "graphically" all the remote units; in that browser I need to show in real-time if the server has communication with those remote units; basically ping each remote unit and if we have response, paint the unit in green, and if we haven´t paint it in red. I need to code a background process whose only job is "ping" the remote units, and send events with the response (I already have a session bean with several methods to send events via JMS). The problem is that I don´t know how to deploy such a process in Glassfish. I've done session beans, entity beans, and MDB beans, but none of these "seem to fit" with the problem. For this application I don`t need a pool of beans, I just need that the Application Server start the background process that simply try to ping to a list of IPs, and send events with the result of that pings. I don´t want to have an external application, so which is the best way to implement this and deploy to Glassfish?
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