Re: Problem with wiki...

From: Jamey Wood <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 11:45:43 -0700

Vince Kraemer wrote:
> Putting this kind of information into the "error page" that a logged
> in user gets would be helpful....

Good point. I'll see about getting that changed.

> How a user missed the warning on the registration page is beyond me...
> It is pretty big and bold.... But I am sure folks will.


> I also bet that there are folks that have registered as a wiki user
> before this policy was instituted that have been scratching their
> heads about why they aren't allowed to edit pages anymore.

Actually, all previously-existing accounts were "grandfathered in" and
automatically got write access (unless they looked like blatant spam-bot

> We may want to add the information about asking for write permission
> to this FAQ entry, too:

Another good point.

> BTW: I created a blog entry with the error page and a bunch of
> variations on the keywords that folks might enter into google to find
> a resolution to this.

Cool. Thanks!
