I've read it Marina, but, it is of no help.
The faq "dances" around the issue, but, does not offer a explicit explanation of how the JNDI name should be structured differently when there is both a remote and local reference to a session bean defined in the ejb-jar.xml.
And I've tried many combinations of jndi name in the lookup, but, nothing works....
Is there an example enterprise project showing a stateless session bean -- with both a local and remote interface defined in the ejb-jar.xml ( [u][b] AND, that does not utilize the proprietary "sun*.xml" configuration files[/b][/u]), anywhere to be found?
If the configuration cannot be done with using the proprietary sun*.xml configuration files, then just knowing that would be of help.
Otherwise, I really need to see the relationship between the ejb-jar.xml and the actual lookup code... preferably in a example enterprise project( again, using EJB2.1)
Thanks for your response, by the way!
[Message sent by forum member 'sairndain' (sairndain)]