Re: RFH: automated mail processing?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 19:11:05 +0100


I have not published the code so far since it was just a proof of
concept, far away from beeing stable. There was no interest so far in
the RA, so I put finishing the project on my stack. Seems there now is
interest, so I will look into publishing a beta by end of the month.
I'll post to the forum when it's done.

Have Fun

Florent Blondeau schrieb:
> Markus,
> Thanks for your responses, much more precise than mine.
> I am very interested in your RA, but I've seen there was no code in
> sourceforge CVS ...
> I would be very pleased if something like this adapter would arise
> Tell me if it is possible to see it shared
> Cheers
> Florent
> Pingwy
> 27, rue des arènes
> 49100 Angers
> Markus KARG a écrit :
>> Florent Blondeau schrieb:
>>> Kristian,
>>> you're right for the polling if you "cronify". In my case, I don't
>>> have
>>> scheduled executions of Webtest. It was a simple port that does not
>>> make
>>> sense a lot in your case.
>>> You may have a look at the Connector architecture to solve your
>>> problem.
>>> I think I've heard that Message Driven Beans could be triggered by a
>>> Mail
>>> Connector. They have to implement the interface of the connector
>>> deployed
>>> as a module (RAR : Resource Adapter Archive). I thought there was a
>>> sample
>>> mail connector, but I can't find it at all...
>>> It's a bit blur for me, but maybe someone on this list knows the
>>> case better than me
>> If you can't finde one, just tell me. I already started writing one
>> years ago:
>> Just tell me how urgent you need it. I paused the project until I
>> find someone that is willing to test... :-)
>> Have Fun
>> Markus
>>> Cheers
>>> Florent
>>> Pingwy
>>> 27, rue des arènes
>>> 49100 Angers
>>> Kristian Rink a écrit :
>>>> Florent;
>>>> first off, thanks very much for your message and your hint.
>>>> Am Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:19:12 +0100
>>>> schrieb Florent Blondeau <>:
>>>>> For this kind of purpose, we use the great Webtest library
>>>>> ( as a mail processor.
>>>>> We don't use webtest as is, but trigger it from groovy scripts (think
>>>>> it could be done with simple java classes
>>>>> with a proper Ant builder).
>>>> I haven't so far really dealt with webtest (as usually I am the
>>>> backend
>>>> guy who's not that much in charge for visual stuff) - but how to
>>>> "abuse" it for mail processing? It sounds interesting nevertheless,
>>>> even though the idea of introducing cron / quartz makes me think about
>>>> polling again (which is not really what I want/need; introducing
>>>> polling on top of SMTP which would per se allow for "event" based
>>>> processing feels somewhat strange)...
>>>> Anway, thanks very much, best regards.
>>>> Kristian
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