Re: Sun Application Server 9: JMS Issues

From: Farooq Muhammed <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 21:52:54 -0800 (PST)

The Application is working fine now, Thanks.

I have posted this issue at issue tracker.


--- Ramesh Parthasarathy
<Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

> You could refer to
> for JMS configuration, that would explain the
> service type.
> Also, could you please create an Issue in the Issue
> tracker for the
> problem you faced when using EMBEDDED type
> Thanks
> -Ramesh
> Farooq Muhammed wrote:
> > Attached are the server.log and log.txt (broker
> log).
> > I have changed the jms-service type as mentioned
> by
> > you and i believe it has solved the problem. I
> will
> > check this with the actual application but for now
> i
> > have tried it with a test program and its working
> OK.
> >
> > Thanks a lot. I'll let you know when i test this
> > completely. By the way, can you give some info on
> the
> > service type.
> >
> > Thanks Again.
> > Regards
> >
> >
> > --- Ramesh Parthasarathy
> > <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks, please send the broker logs.
> >> Meanwhile you could also change the jms-service
> type
> >> to LOCAL - default
> >> being EMBEDDED (requires restart) and see if it
> >> solves your problem.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> -Ramesh
> >>
> >> Farooq Muhammed wrote:
> >>> I am sorry if i forgot to mention that i am not
> >> using
> >>> any MDB. Its a standalone application which
> >> performs
> >>> jndi lookup for ConnectionFactory and Queue.
> >>>
> >>> I am using ObjectMessage to encapsulate a
> >> serializable
> >>> class. The message is first recieved, the object
> >> is
> >>> extracted, processed and then encapsulated again
> >> in a
> >>> new message.
> >>>
> >>> I will send you the broker logs in a while. I am
> >> using
> >>> Sun Application Server 9.1 Update 1
> >>>
> >>> --- Ramesh Parthasarathy
> >>> <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> In your MDB are you sending the same message
> >> (that
> >>>> you received) to
> >>>> another destination (q or topic) ?
> >>>> Could you also post the broker log file
> >>>>
> >
> >>>> Are you using 9.1 or 9.1UR1
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Farooq Muhammed wrote:
> >>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I am posting this to the mailing list instead
> of
> >>>> the
> >>>>> discussion forum because i am unable to post a
> >>>> thread
> >>>>> at GlassFish, although i have a
> >>>> registered
> >>>>> user. (If anyone can help me with that it'll
> be
> >>>> great)
> >>>>> I am using Sun Application Server 9 for an
> >>>> application
> >>>>> which sends/receives messages to jms queues. A
> >>>>> listener is registered for each queue. The
> >>>> onMessage
> >>>>> method for the listener is working fine and
> >>>> receiving
> >>>>> messages correctly. I have also verified that
> >>>> there is
> >>>>> no unhandled exception in the onMessage
> method,
> >> so
> >>>>> this ensures that the messages are getting
> >>>>> acknowldeged.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The problem that i am facing is that whenever
> i
> >>>>> restart the application (by obtaining a new
> >>>> connection
> >>>>> from the pool and starting a new session), all
> >> the
> >>>>> previous messages are redelivered again as if
> >> they
> >>>>> were never acknowledged. I have checked the
> >> server
> >>>>> logs and found 2 exceptions as below:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> DirectConsumer:Caught Exception delivering
> >>>>> cannot
> be
> >>>> cast
> >>>>> to com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.DirectPacket|#]
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> TCP
> >>>>>
> >
> >>
> connectionId=7446164700626631168:_destroy():called
> >>>> on
> >>>>> a connection that was not closed.|#]
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> TCP
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> exception while destroying resource. To get
> >>>> exception
> >>>>> stack, please change log level to FINE.
> >>>>> com.sun.enterprise.resource.PoolingException
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
> >>>>> at
> >>>>>
> >
=== message truncated ===

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