First, some questions:
What build of GlassFish are you using?
How are you launching the app client?
Which JDK version are you running on the client?
What OS are you using on the client?
Next, regardless of whether you are or are not using Derby in your client the app client container (ACC) looks for the value of the property you mentioned (and others) to construct the class path correctly for the client. (Again, even though your client does not use Derby the ACC has to prepare the class path so Derby is the default persistence provider.)
This is odd. The code mentioned in the exception should have been granted full permissions to read the property.
Please try two things:
A. Turn on tracing for Java Web Start launches (if you don't already have it on). (See
http://blogs.sun.com/quinn/entry/launch_that_app_client for some hints; look for the part entitled [i]What about System.in, System.out, and System.err?[/i] near the end of the post.) Then try launching your app client again. You should find a new trace file in the directory mentioned in the blog posting. See if there are any error messages in the resulting trace file (other than the permission exception you already posted). The Java Web Start-aware app client container takes some steps to make sure permissions are granted to the correct code and if this logic fails for some reason that would explain the error you reported.
If there are no other errors:
B. In a command window (with Java Web Start tracing still turned on):
1. Set the environment variable JAVAWS_VM_ARGS to -Djava.security.debug=policy
2. Launch the app client using javaws "
http://host:port/<your-client-URL>" If you don't already know it you can find the client URL from the server.log file as part of the output when the app containing the client is loaded. This happens during deployment and also during a server restart.
3. After the client has run (failed in your case) look for a new trace file in the directory mentioned in the blog post. The file will contain a lot of information so you may want to attach it as a separate file here rather than posting its contents as part of a reply.
- Tim
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