connecting to a remote queue from a MDB

From: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:10:12 PST

Hi there!

I've got a problem I couldn't solve for a long time, please give me a hint!

What I'm trying to do is this:
I've got a glassfish server on computer A (ServerA), and another one on computer B (ServerB). ServerA has a queue (QueueA), and there's a MessageListener attached to it (ForwarderMDB). This MessageListener is supposed to forward the incoming message to ServerB's QueueB.

The problem is this: Currently I know only one way of putting a message into a queue in a remote server: setting Java VM parameter "org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost" and ...Port, then instantiatig a new InitialContext without any parameters. If I instantiate InitialContext with a custom Property object it still tries to connect to localhost in spite of the fact that it's properties are apparently set to the correct values (I checked).
So I tried to write a code in the ForwarderMDB where it creates an InitialContext and it seems to ignore System property "org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", since it does not find the connection factory on ServerB.

So my question is this: how should I forward a message from QueueA in ServerA to QueueB in ServerB? (btw: is there a MessageBridge-like entity in Glassfish I don't know of?)


ps: i attached the code of the ForwarderMDB
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