Re: Liferay Portal

From: Peter Fabian <Peter.Fabian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 15:08:37 +0100

Michael Post wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> thanks for your answer.
> Peter Fabian wrote:
>> Michael Post wrote:
>> eg start glassfish with asadmint start-domain. liferay is bundled and
>> deployed
>> P
> my computer can not find this command. Same without the t at the end.
> The files in my directory are this:
> CDDLv1.0.txt
> CDDLGPLHeader.txt
> docs
> imq
> javadb
> jbi
> lib
> passfile
> registry.xml
> setup-cluster.xml
> setup.xml
> updatecenter
> Searching this directory for any file named asadmin cannot find
> anything. Whats wrong? Sorry for my stupid questions.

stupid me. you need to install glassfish first, sorry for the wrong info
you need ant on your machine and you should run ant -f setup.xml or -f
setup-cluster.xml if you want to enable the cluster profile
then you will have the asadmin to start glassfish :)

Peter Fabian
Sun Software
Sun corp