Re: Liferay Portal

From: Michael Post <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:59:48 +0100

Hello John,

thanks for your advice.

John Clingan wrote:
> There are multiple Liferay 4.4.0 w/GlassFish bundles available from
> their download page (AIX, Linux, Windows, OSX, Solaris). I belive this
> latest bundle was posted a day or two ago:
i downloaded it and execute the .jar-file with java -jar
The license-dialog popped up and i accept it. Now the sources are
extracted and i got the message that the extract procedure is completed.

And now? What should i do now? I can not find any documentation for the
4.4.0 on the liferay website or in the wiki.

Any idea how i can create a domain with the liferay portal?

Thanks for your help.
