How to bind my MDB to a Non-JMS Resource Adapter?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 17:00:49 +0100

I have deployed a self-written Non-JMS Resource Adapter, which
implementes solely an inbound (message inflow).
Now I want to bind a self-written MDB to it. The MDB gets deployed, but
GlassFish always binds it to jmsra.
Certainly that fails.

How to I tell GlassFish to bind my MDB to my RA?

The MID of the RA is "x", so:

* I tried @MessageDriven(mappedName = "x"). Doesn't work. GF tries to
find "x" as a JMS resource (says the log).
* I tried <resource-adapter-mid>x</resource-adapter-mid>. Doesn't work.
GF says it has a problem with "TO x" (says the log).

I spent hours to link those things together, but it just will not work.
I have used RAs and MDBs in JOnAS for years, but with GlassFish there
seems to be a trick I just cannot find out. :-(

Any ideas?

GF version used is: Jave EE SDK Updated 4.

