Re: Liferay Portal

From: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:45:26 PST

Here's a document I put together in the last couple of weeks. Very much a use-at-your-own-risk.

Liferay 4.3.X installation and configuration with Glassfish v2

This document assumes that Glassfish v2 has been installed per its documentation. It also assumes that you are familiar with Glassfish administration.


1. Create a directory into which to store and extract the download files (e.g. C:\Liferay).
2. Go to
3. Download the Liferay Portal 4.3.X WAR file for Servlet 2.4 to the directory (e.g. C:\Liferay).
4. Download the Liferay Portal 4.3.X Dependencies file and unzip to the dependencies subdirectory (e.g. C:\Liferay\dependencies).
5. Download the Liferay Portal 4.3.X SQL Scripts file and unzip to the sql subdirectory (e.g. C:\Liferay\sql).
6. Download the Liferay Plugins SDK 4.3.X file and unzip to the sdk subdirectory (e.g. C:\Liferay\sdk).
7. Download the Liferay Portal 4.3.X Web Services Client and unzip to the ws-client subdirectory (e.g. C:\Liferay\ws-client).
8. Download the Liferay Portal 4.3.X JavaDocs and unzip to the doc subdirectory (e.g. C:\Liferay\doc).

Liferay patch

1. Create the subdirectory WEB-INF/lib from the Liferay directory (e.g. C:\Liferay\WEB-INF\lib).
2. Copy the xercesImpl.jar file from the sdk/lib subdirectory to the WEB-INF/lib subdirectory.
3. Add the file xercesImpl.jar to the Liferay distribution’s WEB-INF/lib subdirectory using the command jar -uvf liferay-portal-4.3.X.war WEB-INF/lib/xercesImpl.jar.
4. Delete the WEB-INF/lib subdirectory.

Database configuration

1. Login as the administrator to the database of your choice.
2. Select either the minimal installation (scripts in the sql/create-minimal subdirectory) or the full example installation (scripts in the sql/create subdirectory) and run the script for your database server (e.g. create-mysql.sql). The default database created by the script is called lportal.
3. Recommended security: Create a database user and grant it SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on all tables in the lportal database.

Glassfish configuration

1. Stop Glassfish if it is running.
2. Copy the Liferay dependencies to the domains/<liferay_domain>/lib directory.
3. Copy the JDBC driver for your database to the domains/<liferay_domain>/lib/ext directory.
4. Start Glassfish and login to the Admin Console.
5. Go to Application Server/JVM Settings/JVM Options and add the option
6. Go to Resources/JDBC/Connection Pools and create a connection pool to connect to the lportal database.
7. Go to Resources/JDBC/JDBC Resources, create a JDBC resource with the name jdbc/LiferayPool, and associate it with the connection pool created in the previous step.
8. Go to Resources/JavaMail Sessions and create a JavaMail resource with the name mail/MailSession.
9. Deploy the Liferay WAR file to the server with the context root /.
        a. If the application server is running locally, set the upload option to false (if using the asadmin command-line tool) or use the Local packaged file or directory that is accessible from the Application Server option in the Admin Console.
        b. For faster application load times, precompile the JSPs (this will take several minutes).
        c. Do not run the verifier, as the sun-web.xml file does not match its DTD and will cause a deployment failure.

Liferay configuration

1. Go to the Liferay portal (http://localhost:8080/ if running locally under Glassfish).
2. Sign in as the administrator (
3. Add the “Plugin Installer” portlet if not present.
4. Go to the “Configuration” tab of the “Plugin Installer”.
        a. Change the “Deploy Directory” to the deployment directory of your choice.
        b. Change the “Destination Directory” to “../autodeploy”.
        c. Press “Save”.
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