Can you please take a latest JDK version and try?
Look like you are hitting this JDK bug...
On 25-Jan-08, at 3:18 PM, Jaipanos Thomas wrote:
> Hi All,
> In our application we are using Sun Glassfish as application server
> in the SunOS Sparc environment (SunOS 5.10 Generic_125100-05 sun4v
> sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200).
> Java version using is jdk1.5. We are facing issues while we are
> trying to start the domain.
> We are able to install and build the domain in SunOs. We didn't see
> any exceptions during the installation and building the domain. But
> when we are executing asadmin start-domain domain1, getting
> exceptions and finally connection getting timed out. PFA the log
> file.
> The glassfish version we installed is glassfish-installer-v1_ur1-p01-
> b02
> We have given the environment variables
> JAVA_HOME,ANT_HOME,AS_HOME,PATH in the .profile file.
> We have installed the same glassfish in another SunOS machine and
> able to build domain, start the domain and its working perfectly and
> this machine's server version is SunOS sys99201 5.9
> Generic_118558-34 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240.
> Could you please help us for resolving this issue. Thanks in Advance
> Regards,
> Jaipanos
> <server.log>
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