Re: How to backup persistent timers and jms queues and topics?

From: Sreeram Duvur <>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 09:34:47 -0800

On Dec 26, 2007, at 4:46 AM, Markus KARG wrote:

> Sreeram,
>> JMS persistent messages can be configured to be in any database
>> (e.g: Oracle or the built-in HADB if you are using Sun Java System
>> App Server Enterprise Edition). I believe the JMS provider in
>> GlassFish also supports file system as message store, but you have
>> to make sure that the filesystem is highly available.
>> Timers metadata can be kept in any XA-capable data source. So any
>> reliable database would work. Follow the replication/reliability
>> guidelines of the vendor.
>> Sreeram
> thank you for your kind answer. Actually my question was not about
> how it COULD be done, but more precisely: If my customer installs
> Glassfish and does not customize anything, what is the procedure he
> must follow to backup or restore timers and JMS messages to prevent
> loss of those data the house burns down and destroys the cluster?
> Is it really necessary to do manual configuration to be able to
> backup and restore this information? If yes, where is the definitive
> guide to do that when using Glassfish "out of the box" (without a
> cluster, without additional tools, etc.)?

The default out-of-box timer storage is in the JavaDB database. Look
at They have a
scripting tool "ij" that may do the job for you. I have no experience
with it.

The metadata gets changed by the server (when it was last fired, where
etc.) and so backing it up and restoring it later can be tricky. Of
course, it depends on your particular use case. Hope this helps.

> This question is not about high availability but just about a simple
> backup and restore of timers and queues of a single server instance.
> Thanks a lot
> Markus
>> On Dec 22, 2007, at 6:34 AM, Markus KARG wrote:
>>> Our Java EE application is using Persistent Timers (see EJB spec)
>>> and relies very heavily on JMS.
>>> We want to prevent that long-term timers and non-yet-received
>>> messages in JMS topics and queues are lost in case of a server
>>> crash.
>>> What is the "official" way how to backup and restore that data in
>>> Glassfish?
>>> Is there a tutorial or reference manual on the web for that topic?
>>> We formerly used JOnAS, which stored both, timers and jms topics
>>> and queues as simple files, so backup and restore was quite simple.
>>> We did not yet find information on the storage mechanism that
>>> Glassfish uses.
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Markus
>>> --
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