Re: Glassfish Wiki down?

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:48:42 -0800

It's worse than the wiki, looks to be
down. Could be a network problem?

On Dec 21, 2007, at 8:18 AM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:

> I saw the same. I don't know if Jamey or Kohsuke are still around.
> This is a bit worrisome as if the site crashes we will have some
> problems in getting work done through the break. It may be one of
> the leak prblems fixed in GFv2UR1; we probably should upgrade the
> site.
> I suspect the GeoMap app + the influx of new requests due to the
> GFv2 UR1 launch may be part of the problem. Maybe we shold turn off
> th GeoMap through the break?
> - eduard/o
> Scott Fordin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The Glassfish Wiki seems to be down. Does anyone know the
>> status of this site?
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
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