Re: Performance degradation versus JBoss

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:29:15 +0100


Nothing specific, but:

On Dec 21, 2007 9:26 AM, <> wrote:
> I'm only doing simple inserts into the DB (MySQL). I ran my test on JBoss and saw no performance issue. Can anyone offer some help to make sure I haven't misconfigured anything?

I'd think the main difference here is probably Hibernate vs TopLink,
not GF vs JB. You might want to do cross-tests to narrow it down.
Honestly, with something this simple, I'd expect the difference to be
Hibernate default settings vs TopLink default settings.

If the performance with Hibernate in Glassfish still differs from
JBoss, compare the jdbc connection pool sizes in the two cases, last I
heard MySql did not benefit from too many parallel connections.

Gabor Szokoli