Re: The IzPack GlassFish installer is now available!

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:12:27 -0800


We track a fair amount of download info (in addition to the GeoMap usage
data). Some of it is from Java.Net, the bulk is through the Sun
distribution. Unfortunately, we have not pushed the data into an
external page. I'm pretty sure I can secure approval to do that, but,
as with the rest of the "Moving the company into Open Source", there is
a substantial overhead for the first mover and most of us are busy and
waiting for some other Sun community to do it first :-)

I'll put this task in my list of thngs to try to get done in January.
You publishing your stats will help us get ours into the public so we
can publish aggregated data.

        - eduard/o

Julien Ponge wrote:
> Hum it looks like I'll have an access on the ones from, but
> with a bit more delay.
> Cheers