Re: Is this a bug?

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:52:11 +0100


On Dec 19, 2007 9:37 PM, Raju Uppalapati <> wrote:
> Installed Sun Appserver 9.1 on Solaris 10 as root user.
> It appears most asadmin commands run without valid credentials. Sounds like
> a security issue ... or did I configure the product incorrecty.
> Following is the stuff I tried.
> (root_at_ps-eng41)/opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin> ls /.as*
> /.asadminpass /.asadmintruststore
> (root_at_ps-eng41 )/opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin> rm /.as*

I'm using Linux, not Solaris, the Glassfish release not the Sun
branded one, but I have .asadmin* files in the installing users home
directory. It might be relevant information whether you have too or

Gabor Szokoli