Re: cluster wide libraries

From: Stephen Connolly <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 21:02:11 +0000

welcome to the fun of the singleton pattern and clustering. As far as
I know, the cluster is not a single jvm (see terracotta for a single
jvm technique) thus each jvm will create its own "singleton". two jvms
in a cluster will give two singleton instances - so it is no longer a
singelton. you need to use a different technique to implement true
cluster singletons.

in any case, singletons usually are a performance bottlekneck and
should be avoided.

ok. that was the bad news. the good news is that you want to load your
library once on _each_ jvm. thus you can safely, in this case, use a
singleton to ensure that your library is loaded. note you should make
sure that the load library singleton is thread safe. the code snippet
you provided does not look to be thread safe.

On 12/18/07, Saloustros Georgios <> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have deployed a web service that in a standalone glassfish setup .
> In the web service code I do the following
> class myservice{
> public boolean loaded = false;
> web_service do_something(){
> .....
> if(! loaded){
> System.load("mylib");
> loaded=true;
> }
> ....
> }
> }
> and the lib mylib are in <glassfish_home_directory>/lib
> In the standalone version everything runs fine.
> Now I have setup a 2 node cluster with sun web server configured as the http
> load balancer and the service is enabled for all instances.
> The problems now are these:
> 1)Where should I put the lib mylib in order to both instances find and load
> the library?
> 2)If instance 1 loads the library and sets the flag value to true will the
> other instance see the flag value loaded=true or will see the default value
> loaded=false?
> 3)Is there any better way to load the needed .so libray?
> Thanks