Re: EJB 3 Interoperability issue - need help

From: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 13:52:53 PST

Hi Cheng,

thanks for your answer. How have you done the connectz from client1? Have you used GlassFish JAR files on your client1 (appserv-rt.jar)? We need to connect to the EJB without using specific GlassFish JAR files. We tried different ways.

Our client (like your client1) is running on Java SE 6. We've tried to initialize the Java SE 6 default ORB, made an InitialContext to the GlassFish POA (usually port 3700). But the JNDI entry has not the name of the session bean. Even if we specifiy the mappedName on the EJB the name has externsions in it. Also, whenn we use this specialo JNDI name, we get an IOR string, but it's impossible to connect to this object. Most of the methods of this CORBA object throws NotImplemented exceptions. It behave like not the correct remote object. In the EJB-FAQ ( this sample is made, but with the GlassFish specific JAR file.

Is there a way to connect with "raw" CORBA without GlassFish JAR. Think about a C++ written client1. In such a situation we only have an C++ ORB and no chance to use a JAR file.

If you made such a "raw" CORBA connect to an EJB3, please can you tell us the principle way or maybe sample code?

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