Re: desperate with the load balancer

From: Saloustros Georgios <>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 14:26:00 +0200

I have managed to install the lb plugin following the instructions at
Also I have deployed to my cluster the clusterjsp sample application.
I have access to the clusterjsp application when I hit with my browser
http://linux:38080/clusterjsp(which is instance 1 of my cluster) or
http://kubuntu:38080/clusterjsp(which is instance 2 of my cluster).
But when I hit with my browser the web server that is
http://linux:80/clusterjsp I get a 404 Not Found error.
I use the sun-web-server-6.1 service pack 5.
The loadbalancer.xml file in

 *<?xml* version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"*?>**<!DOCTYPE *loadbalancer
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Sun Java System Application
Server 9.1//EN" "sun-loadbalancer_1_2.dtd"*>**<loadbalancer>*
  *<cluster* name="cluster1" policy="round-robin"*>*
    *<instance* disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true"
listeners="http://linux:38080 https://linux:38181" name="g1-i1"
    *<instance* disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true"
listeners="http://kubuntu:38080 https://kubuntu:38181" name="g2-i1"
    *<web-module* context-root="/clusterjsp"
disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true"*/>*
    *<health-checker* interval-in-seconds="30" timeout-in-seconds="10"
  *<property* name="response-timeout-in-seconds" value="60"*/>*
  *<property* name="reload-poll-interval-in-seconds" value="60"*/>*
  *<property* name="https-routing" value="false"*/>*
  *<property* name="require-monitor-data" value="false"*/>*
  *<property* name="last-exported" value=""*/>*
  *<property* name="active-healthcheck-enabled" value="false"*/>*
  *<property* name="number-healthcheck-retries" value="3"*/>*
  *<property* name="rewrite-location"
value="true"*/>**</loadbalancer>**<!--** This file was generated on:
[Mon Dec 03 13:15:33 EET 2007]. **Debugging Tips:**By default,
instances and web-modules are not enabled. Please enable them manually
if you have not done that using asadmin.**-->*

and the error log of the web server

 [03/Dec/2007:13:24:08] info (16516): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server
6.1SP5 B08/18/2005 02:17
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:08] info (16517): CORE3016: daemon is running as super-user
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:08] info (16517): reports: Initializing lbplugin
BuildId: A701212-164111
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:08] info (16517): CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM)
Server VM, Version 1.6.0_02] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:08] info (16517): WEB0100: Loading web module in
virtual server [https-linux] at [/search]
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:10] info (16517): HTTP3072: [LS ls1]
http://linux:80 ready to accept requests
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:10] info (16517): CORE3274: successful server startup
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:41] warning (16517): for host trying to
GET /clusterjsp/, send-file reports: HTTP4142: can't find
/root/sun-web-server-6.1/docs/clusterjsp/ (File not found)
[03/Dec/2007:13:24:55] warning (16517): for host trying to
GET /clusterjsp/, send-file reports: HTTP4142: can't find
/root/sun-web-server-6.1/docs/clusterjsp/ (File not found)

2007/12/3, <>:
> Can you post error in errors logs to figure out the issue?
> [Message sent by forum member 'kshitiz_saxena' (kshitiz_saxena)]
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