
From: Raju Uppalapati <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 18:01:30 -0800

The addon interface that one should use to write an update center module for
Glassfish V2 does not have an API to modify the domain configuration.
Most applications would require some changes like: JDBC Connection pool
setup, JVM options etc.
Right now the only way to make such changes are by directly modifying the
domain.xml in the addon implementation code. This I think is a bad idea
since a wrongly coded addon can potentially corrupt the domain.xml and bring
the domain down.

I think I have seen a document that says Offline AMX should be made
available in the Addon Configurator Interface. But it appears that feature
is not yet available in any GF builds.
IMHO Offline AMX being available inside the addon configurator interface is
critical for a successful addon/update center echo system to develop.

Any comments?


On Dec 12, 2007 5:26 AM, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>

> Hello all,
> We're extending the "Write a GlassFish Update Center Pugin" contest
> ( for another week.
> If you haven't heard about this before, this is your chance to make
> your favorite framework library or application available through
> the Update Center to GlassFish users and of course to win one of
> three prizes.
> You do not need to be at the JavaPolis conference to compete.
> good luck,
> -Alexis
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