Re: Default Principal in Glassfish

From: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 22:48:50 +0530 wrote:

>Could you tell me what is the purpose of Default Principal and Default Principal Password in glassfish?
>My example is as follows:
>Default Principal is set to USER and Default Principal Password to USERPASS on Configuration->Security Page.
>Selected methods of EJBs are secured with @RolesAllowed("USERROLE")
>USER principal is mapped to USERROLE in sun-ejb deployment descriptor.
>Most of Web tier calls to EJB are anonymous.
>I thought that I could invoke secured method of EJBs with Default Principal provided in application server configuration. But I cannot. I get AccessLocalException.
>I can read user principal name from SessionContext (in unsecured ejb method). It is set properly to USER. When I check that principal against application role using isCallerInRole("USERROLE") I get false.(?)
>So, I have configured web tier to use FORM authentication with JDBC realm. When I log in as USER with USERPASS, ejb secured methods are called properly and isCallerInRole returns true.
>Web tier and ejbs are deployed as Enterprise Application and methods are invoked through local interfaces.
>What I am doing wrong?

I just tried a sample based on what you described and it worked for me.
Here is what i do

The Web Tier :
My Servlet has a RunAs and it invokes an EJB on the Local Interface.

public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
    private InternalBeanLocal internalBeanBean;

The Servlet uses BASIC Auth with a security constraint /*
In sun-web.xml i specified the Default Principal for the servlet RunAs

public class InternalBeanBean implements InternalBeanLocal {
    public void businessMethod() {
        System.out.println("Hello....: Calling Business Method of
Internal Bean");

sun-ejb-jar.xml :

Maps internalprincipal to internal role.

And so the Servlet is able to invoke the secure EJB via LocalInterface
using default principal.


>Best regards,
>Marcin Kwapisz
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