Re: Cluster issues again

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 17:26:50 PST

Hi Ramesh

I am not sure if this is a GF issue since I got this working on another zone but it would be good to know where to look for the problem and what hte exact problem is so I can get to the concerned ppl I am pasting the broker log Please let me know

# 1197341012742 Do not modify this line
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:32 EST] [B1002]: An existing property file for dasClusterfirstInstance was not found, no stored properties will be loaded
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:33 EST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.1
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 4.1 (Build 36-e)
Compile: Thu Jul 26 10:27:40 PDT 2007

Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Java Runtime: 1.6.0_03 Sun Microsystems Inc. /opt/jdk1.6.0_03/jre
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.1 Enterprise Edition
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] IMQ_HOME=/guna/glassfish/imq
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] IMQ_VARHOME=/guna/glassfish/nodeagents/firstAgent/firstInstance/imq
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] SunOS 5.10 sparc dsee (32 cpu) root
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] Max file descriptors: 65536 (65536)
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] Java Heap Size: max=174784k, current=35328k
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] Arguments: -javahome /opt/jdk1.6.0_03/jre/.. -Dimq.cluster.masterbroker=mq://carrier-lookup-01:37676/ -Dimq.cluster.brokerlist=mq:
//dsee:37677/,mq://dsee:37676/,mq://carrier-lookup-01:37676/ -Dimq.cluster.nowaitForMasterBroker=true -varhome /guna/glassfish/nodeagents/firstAgent/firstIns
tance/imq -startRmiRegistry -rmiRegistryPort 37777 -Dimq.imqcmd.user=admin -passfile /var/tmp/asmq53329.tmp -save -name dasClusterfirstInstance -port 37677 -
bgnd -silent
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 37677, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] ERROR [B3100]: Unexpected Broker Internal Error : [bad address in the broker list ]: carrier-lookup-01
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] ERROR [B3100]: Unexpected Broker Internal Error : [bad address while parsing the broker list ]: carrier-lookup-01
[11/Dec/2007:13:43:34 EST] ERROR [B3198]: Error initializing cluster manager:
com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException: [B3198]: Error initializing cluster manager
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals.initClusterManager(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker._start(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker.start(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker.start(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.ClusterManagerImpl.initialize(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals.initClusterManager(
        ... 4 more
[11/Dec/2007:14:35:17 EST]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.1
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 4.1 (Build 36-e)
Compile: Thu Jul 26 10:27:40 PDT 2007

Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Java Runtime: 1.6.0_03 Sun Microsystems Inc. /opt/jdk1.6.0_03/jre
[11/Dec/2007:14:35:18 EST] License: Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.1 Enterprise Edition
[11/Dec/2007:14:35:18 EST] IMQ_HOME=/guna/glassfish/imq
[11/Dec/2007:14:35:18 EST] IMQ_VARHOME=/guna/glassfish/nodeagents/firstAgent/firstInstance/imq
[11/Dec/2007:14:35:18 EST] SunOS 5.10 sparc dsee (32 cpu) root
"log.txt" 138 lines, 10770 characters

[Message sent by forum member 'priyasubu' (priyasubu)]