Problem downloading static content

From: Oliver Epper <>
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 15:45:15 +0100

Hi all !

I started using glassfish and I must say that I'm pretty impressed so
far ! I've got one problem that I cannot unerstand though :(
I've created a little webapp that I successfully deployed with glassfish.
The app uses an alternate docroot for some static content that needs to
be accessibly for download by the users. The alternate docroot is
defined in the sun-web.xml.
The URL that makes the alternate docroot accessible is protected with
BASIC auth and ssl through the following code in the web.xml:



The code for sun-web.xml:


    <property name="alternatedocroot_1" value="from=/change_me/*

All of this works like a charm with one exception :(
I cannot download any files from the protected url (zip-files,
executables) with ie6/ie7. With firefox everything works !
I'm pretty clueless here, so I hope that anyone can help !!! I'd happily
provide more information or a public accessible demo if that is required.

Thx in advance