question about ORB tuning parameters

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 13:25:33 +0900


I have a question about the EJB client timeout functions explained in
the following Blog.

When I omit the maxsingle parameter in initial:max:backoff[:maxsingle]
when I specify either TCP timeout function, I get the following warning:

警告: "IOP00110231: (BAD_PARAM) Timeout data must be 3 positive decimal
integers separated by :"

When I specify four decimal integers I get no warning. I suppose the
implementation has changed since the blog was written. Where can I find
more up-to-date information? (I'm using GF V2 FCS).

Also, the blog mentions that the default value for the connection TCP
timeout is 5000 when I don't define it, and a few lines below it says it
is Integer.MAX_VALUE. Or am I interpreting it incorrectly?
