Transaction rollback does not rollback all database updates

From: <>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 06:45:07 PST

I am the developer of a JCA 1.5-compliant Resource Adapter which supports XA transactions.

I have a number of XA transaction tests that I have run successfully on several different Applications servers, including:
JBoss Application Server 4.0.5, 4.2.0, WebLogic Server 9.0, 10.0, WebSphere Application Server 6.0, and Sun System Java Application Server EE 8.2

Now I am trying to run the same tests on System Java Application Server EE 9.1 (Build b58g-fcs) and I have a test which is failing.

The test consists of a stateless session EJB (using EJB 2.0). This test uses a bean-managed transaction to insert some records into an Oracle database and call the Resource Adapter in the same XA transaction. For this particular test, the request to the Resource Adapter fails during the prepare phase so the transaction should be rolled back.

By the way, I'm using the following settings for my JDBC connection pool:
Datasource Classname:
Resource Type: javax.sql.XADataSource

The test client does the following:
1) Call EJB preRunTest method
2) Call EJB runTest method
3) Call EJB postRunTest method

The preRunTest method does the following:
    Delete all records from a database table

The runTest method does the following
    get Resource Adapter connection
    Loop 3 times:
    start loop
        get database connection
        create statement
        execute "insert" statement
        close statement
        close database connection
    end loop
    Invoke the Resource Adapter
    close Resource Adapter connection

The postRunTest method does the following:
    Delete all records from a database table
    Record how many records were deleted

As expected, the call to UserTransaction.commit() fails and a roll back is initiated. However, the delete performed during the postRunTest method finds two records in the database, instead of zero as it expected (due to the rollback).

I modified the method runTest so that only one database connection is used. That is:
    get Resource Adapter connection
    get database connection
    create statement
    Loop 3 times:
        start loop
        execute "insert" statement
        end loop
    close statement
    close database connection
    Invoke the Resource Adapter
    close Resource Adapter connection

When I ran the test this way, it worked as I expected: the portRunTest method found no records in the database, indicating that the rollback worked correctly.

[b]Shouldn't all of the database inserts be rolled back regardless of whether multiple database connections are used?[/b]
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