OpenPortal Portlet Container

From: <>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 05:50:01 PST

I have a question mainly about the JSR 168 specification. I understand that session data can be shared between servlets, jsps, and portlets in a portlet application using APPLICATION_SCOPE. Hence, i did the following to attempt to pass URL input parameters into a portlet.

1. Link to a servlet i wrote that dumps input parameters to the http session. It is located in the portlet war file.
2. Redirect the request to the portal page containing the target portlet.
3. Extract the parameters from the PortletSession using APPLICATION_SCOPE.

This works in Websphere 5.1, haven't tried in later versions, but does not in the OpenPortal Portlet Container in which i like to test. So which is adhering to the spec ? I am guessing what i am doing might be outside the spec in the fact that i am putting stuff in the session before the actual portlet itself is initialized.

Any help or clarifications on whether my approach is valid per JSR 168 would be appreciated.

Thanks !
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