Help finding GlassFish based projects

From: Miroslav Nachev <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 14:07:30 +0200


I am sorry for the SPAM but in the Mail list I can not find another
place where to ask for this problem.

 From many time I am looking for GlassFish (Sun AS) and NetBeans
projects in my country and in the net but I can not find it. Most of the
projects are Eclipse based with IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JBoss, etc.
At the moment I am using IBM RAD (Eclipse + WebSphere) but I am in a way
to look for new job or project and prefer to work with GlassFish and
NetBeans products.

Can anybody help me?

Just as idea: you can create new mail list where all interested parties
to publish their needs: organizations looking for specialists and
specialists looking for projects (job).

Best Regards,
Miroslav Nachev