I hope I can explain my problem clear enough.
I have:
-a java enterprise application
-with a ejb-module
-and a war-module
in the EJB-module
-i have created some entities
-i have created stateless session beans for this entities (autongenerated by netbeans)
-there's a persistence unit which links the entities to a db
Now I want
-to create a webinterface (using servlet/jsp, doen't matter) allowing the administrator of the project to manage the entities in the database (add, view; edit...)
-to do so, i want to call one of de stateless session beans which provides functionallity for managing the beans
I've been trying several things now for more than a week, and none of them seemed to work.
Mostly I get a NullPointerException while running the web-pages (caused by unresolved EJB references I presume)
I hope this is clear enough, and someone can help me because I've been working on this for way too much time by now...
As I'm still a student, my knowledge of Java EE is not that big,
Thanks in advance
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