Re: Classloading issue: filter class in domain1/lib/applibs/*.jar not loaded

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:32:53 -0800

Hi Cheng, wrote:

>A user at Glassfish Chinese forum reported this problem:
>When a servlet filter class is packaged in a jar in domain1/lib/applibs/ directory, this filter class is not accessible, and the webapp failed to load. He also reported that placing the jar in domain1/lib didn't work either.
>I wrote a simple webapp, and my finding is putting the jar in domain1/lib works, but in lib/applibs does NOT work, i.e., the webapp failed to start because the filter class is not accessible. So a reproducible issue.
>Is this a bug or by design?
>Since it works when the jar is in domain/lib, so I think the app is properly coded and configured.
>I explained the the user that since the web container needs to manage the lifecycle of the filter, the jar needs to reside in domain1/lib so the container code can access it, rather than applibs/, which is used by apps. I find it hard to swallow and can't even convince myself this is a valid answer.
>How do you think? Appreciate your opinion.

Any JAR files placed in the domain's lib directory are visible globally,
i.e., may be accessed by any deployed app.

If you want to limit a JAR's visibility so that it may be accessed
only by specific apps, you place the JAR inside the domain's
lib/applibs directory and then specify the name of the JAR file
as an argument to asadmin's --libraries option during deployment
of your app, as follows:

  asadmin deploy --libraries <jar_file_name> <app>


for details.

