Using Hibernate and JBoss Tree Cache as EJB3 entity cache on Glassfish v2 b58g

From: Hubert, Eric <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:34:49 +0100

Hi all!

Has anybody used Hibernate in conjunction with JBoss distributed Cache
as EJB3 entity cache on Glassfish v2?
I would be very happy to receive any advice on how I could get this
combination working. Of course I've asked in the JBoss Cache forum in
the first place, but unfortunately they don't seem to be very
responsive. Maybe this is due to lack of interest in supporting porting
of existing JEE applications from JBoss AS to Glassfish. ;-)

The information I'm looking for would include a complete list of Java
libraries which I have to use in Glassfish, a sample persistence.xml as
well as a sample ejb3-entity-cache-service.xml. I guess I would have to
register the EJB3EntityTreeCache MBean or something in this direction. I
couldn't find any clues in the documentation.

At the moment my application is working on Glassfish using Hibernate's
Entity Manager and its default cache provider ehcache.

By the way, does Glassfish (TopLink Essential) offer a distributed cache
which is able to keep (recover) its content even after a JVM-Crash?
