Re: Glassfish v2g on Mac 10.5 Leopard

From: <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 15:07:47 PST

The host address is picked up from domain.xml..(see below for the exact entry )... is interpreted as all IPs on that machine will be bound to.

Try changing the IP address to or localhost

If that does not work, try an IP address that can be resolved from this machine outside of GlassFish (so if wireless address works, put that here and try)

        <!-- The JSR 160 "system-jmx-connector" -->
        <jmx-connector accept-all="false" address="" auth-realm-name="admin-realm" enabled="true" name="system" port="8686" protocol="rmi_jrmp"
          <ssl cert-nickname="s1as" client-auth-enabled="false" ssl2-enabled="false" ssl3-enabled="true" tls-enabled="true" tls-rollback-enabled="true
          <property name="client-hostname" value="mymac"/>
        <!-- The JSR 160 "system-jmx-connector" -->
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