Problem with a multi-proxy configuration to send SIP messages

From: <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:28:41 PST


I'm using SIPp to simulate the exchange of messages between a SIP client and server, through the proxy example for the Sailfin + Glassfish Application Server, available here:

This works fine but I'm trying to cascade proxy servers without success now. I have a Linux machine with the sailfin + glassfish hosting the original SipProxy example above. And I have a Windows machine also with sailfin + glassfish but hosting modified version of SipProxy. Simply, what I did was replace the doInvite function with the following code:

            ServletContext sc = this.getServletContext();
            SipFactory sipFactory = (SipFactory)sc.getAttribute("javax.servlet.sip.SipFactory");
            SipURI routeuri = sipFactory.createSipURI(null,";lr;tcp");

Where is the Linux machine. The idea is that this Windows machine should redirect the request to the Linux server and then the Linux server would redirect the request to the SIP server (the SIPPp server) but the SIPp client can't pass through the first proxy (the Windows machine) and I can't figure the reason: It keeps retransmitting the first INVITE message.

Am I doing something wrong (Is this code right)? Any Ideas?

Thank you,
[Message sent by forum member 'riclage_br' (riclage_br)]