Re: The ever-lasting question of JNDI namespace and names ...

From: <>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 18:40:08 PST

I believe that the "java:" is a JBoss JNDI convention (see below).
Why don't you just give it a normal GlassFish-friendly name like



There are three commonly used levels of naming scope in JBoss: names under java:comp, names under java:, and
any other name. As discussed, the java:comp context and its subcontexts are only available to the application component
associated with that particular context. Subcontexts and object bindings directly under java: are only visible
within the JBoss server virtual machine and not to remote clients. Any other context or object binding is available
to remote clients, provided the context or object supports serialization. You'll see how the isolation of these
naming scopes is achieved in the Section 3.2.
An example of where the restricting a binding to the java: context is useful would be a javax.sql.DataSource
connection factory that can only be used inside of the JBoss server where the associated database pool resides. On
the other hand, an EJB home interface would be bound to a globally visible name that should accessible by remote
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