Re: Installing GlassFish on a Managed Private Server

From: Gabe Wong <>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 10:35:42 -0800 wrote:
> Can anyone help me get started on how to install and configure GlassFish V2 on a MPS (managed private server)? I'm doing rehat linux hosting with Verio and have several domains on my dedicated box.
> Where should GlassFish be installed?
> Should there be one installation per domain?
Managed Private Server - is that another name for a VPS? If so, given
that GF requires at least 128MB, you would for all practical
purposes need 512MB available to the system.

If you are installing GF for multiple users, then it is best each have
their own installation.
I would assume installing under each user home directory would be a good
Installing multiple GF would also require playing around with ports to
avoid port conflicts.

Gabe Wong
NGASI AppServer Manager
Application server installation and configuration AUTOMATION