about Fetchsize of Query

From: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 18:30:39 PST

Hi, Guru


-Glassfish V2 b58g

[Question 1]

Can I use the Array fetch with toplink essentials.
I tested the below coding and it seem to be OK.
I can't find a document about fetchsize of Toplink Essentials.
If it don't be supported, is there another method?

Query queryEmployees
         = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT OBJECT(employee) FROM Employee employee");
queryEmployees.setHint("fetchSize ", 100);
(List) queryEmployees.getResultList();


[Question 2]
What is the "toplink.jdbc.bind-parameters" property?
Please inform me information about the sample program.

Thank you very much.
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