Re: TopLink thread deadlock re UserTransaction.commit() in message-driven

From: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:56:55 PST

I've attached modified versions of the entity classes involved. The essence of the data
model is intact, but I've had to remove the core logic (except for hashCode() and equals())
and the NamedQueries annotations for confidentiality reasons.

A rough summary of the data model, with <-> representing a bi-directional relationship and
-> representing a unidirectional relationship, is as follows:

NodeModel <-> Node
NodeModel <-> DslProfile
Node <-> Card
Card <-> Port
Port <-> PortAssignment
PortAssignment <-> AssignedService

PortProfileRequest -> DslProfile
PortRequest -> Port

There are also three classes in an inheritance hierarchy:

PortProfileRequest extends PortRequest
PortRequest extends ScheduledRequest

Here's the scenario where the problem occurs:
1. In an application client, a number of new PortProfileRequest entities are created.
   Each PortProfileRequest references other detached entities (DslProfile, Port, etc.)
   that have been preloaded from the database, so the only new non-persisted entity
   is the PortProfileRequest. Every other detached entity already has a valid
   primary key.
2. Each PortProfileRequest is sent in serialized form to the message queue as part
   of an ObjectMessage. Each individual PortProfileRequest will be referencing
   (via PortRequest->Port->Card->Node) the same Node entity, and the Node typically
   has more than a thousand Port entities (referenced via multiple Card entities),
   so the serialized tree is quite large.
3. Since we have specified a maximum of 128 ScheduledRequestWrite message-driven bean
   instances, the multiple ObjectMessages are most likely being processed in parallel.
4. On receipt of an ObjectMessage with a serialized PortProfileRequest, the
   ScheduledRequestWrite message-driven bean begins the UserTransaction, calls
   persistAndUpdatePrimaryKey(), and then commits the UserTransaction.
5. The UserTransaction.commit() call never returns.
[Message sent by forum member 'skalynuk' (skalynuk)]