context listener class not found

From: Glenn Holmer <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 07:49:44 -0600

We're just starting out with Glassfish after years of using Tomcat.

We have a successful setup and can run the admin console. I've
successfully set up connection pools and can ping them. We took a
known good Struts/Velocity app built in NetBeans and changed the server
to GlassFish (which created the sun-web.xml), then tried to deploy.

The first problem I saw was the error message "Document
base .../domains/webdevel/docroot/vnd does not exist or is not a
readable directory". vnd is the app name. What causes that?

I created the directory, and now I get farther, but the next error
is "Error configuring application listener of class
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.weycogroup.vendor.VendorListener".
This is a context listener, and I verified that the class was extracted
under ...applications/j2ee-modules/vnd when the app was deployed.

Is this a configuration error? Something that changed in a newer J2EE

Also, where can I get more information about PWC error codes, I don't
see them in the SJSAS 9.1 Error Message Reference I downloaded.

Glenn Holmer                
Software Engineer                        phone: 414-908-1809
Weyco Group, Inc.                          fax: 414-908-1601