Backward compatibility issue?

From: Wouter van Reeven <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 10:45:58 +0100

Hi all,

Last week I have been trying to create and deploy an Enterprise Application
containing an EJB jar and a WAR to GlassFish using Maven2. See


Maven2 by default creates a web.xml file looking like this:

 "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
 "" >

  <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>

Please note that the version used here is 2.3. For some reason, after deploying
the ear to GlassFish v2, I cannot connect to local session beans from within the
web module Java classes. I can connect to remote session beans. And if I modify
the web.xml like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""
  <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>

I suddenly can connect to the local session beans. The modifications are based
on the web.xml files generated by Netbeans 6.0.

Would anyone know why I cannot connect to the local session beans with the
web.xml generated by Maven2?

Thanks in advance,

Wouter van Reeven

People: "If she weighs the same as a Duck, she's made of wood!"
Sir Bedevere: "And therefore...?"