Re: GlassFish V3 planning - What do *you* want in GlassFish V3?

From: <>
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 13:24:37 PST

Well, within Glassfish proper, you pretty much have all of this right now.

GF proper doesn't use the class names for its log catagories, rather it uses catagories like Web Container and Persistence (tho it does note which packages those categories encompass). The GF logging page tells you the verbosity of each category, and that page allows easy configuration of verbosity levels, including application specific ones (though you need to know the names before hand).

If your applications followed similar guidelines, then all would be rosy, but truth is that GF is only in control of so much. It might be iteresting if GF presented all of the loggers that it DID know about to the user in the GUI, but even then it can only present those loggers that it has seen configured during the current instance of the server. It can't know anything about loggers that haven't been set up yet (for example in code that has not yet been run).

For example, GF uses JDK logging. If your Application uses JDK logging as well, then the logging page lets you set the verbosity of your categories (Through the properties section -- consult the FAQ in the Wiki).

But if the application being deployed uses, say, log4j, or any other framework, then you're out of luck as GF doesn't know anything about log4j.
[Message sent by forum member 'whartung' (whartung)]