Re: how I can configure a web application to use an authentication realm?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 15:07:39 -0800

legolas wrote:

>Thank you all for your reply.
>I can not find how does Digest authentication can be configured.
>when I select Digest as authentication mode instead of BASIC (In web.xml
>editor in netbeans) It does not allows me to specify a realm name, what can
>be wrong?

GlassFish does not support DIGEST authentication.

Citing Ron Monzillo:

  In order for the server to recalculate the digest that arrives with
  the request, the server needs access to the clear text password; which
  is security vulnerability; since it creates a situation on some server
  where there is persistent storage of all the user passwords in some
  clear form.
