Re: sun-appserv-update fails

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 15:52:01 -0800

Hi Gerald,

Thanks for the ear file. I will not publish it.
I looked at the ant update task code, the warning message is displayed
if the application is not deployed.
Can you do the following:

1) "asadmin list-components <domain-name>" and let me know the output.
2) "ls
to see if the application exists.

Please let me know the outputs.


Gerald Holl wrote:

> Jane Young wrote:
>> Hi Gerald,
> Hi Jane,
>> In your build.xml file, do you have a task that creates the app.ear
>> archive?
> Yes, I do.
> Full build.xml:
> <project name="app">
> <target name="deploy" depends="packageAll">
> <sun-appserv-deploy file="app.ear" passwordfile="passwd.txt"
> upload="false"/>
> </target>
> <target name="update" depends="packageAll">
> <sun-appserv-update domain="app" file="app.ear" />
> </target>
> <!-- app.ear includes lib/entities.jar,sessions.jar,app.war -->
> <target name="packageAll" depends="package">
> <jar destfile="app.ear">
> <fileset dir="." includes="*.jar,*.war"/>
> <fileset dir=".">
> <include name="**/entities.jar"/>
> </fileset>
> </jar>
> </target>
> <target name="package" depends="createEntitiesJar,createSessionsJar">
> <war destfile="app.war" webxml="web/web.xml">
> <fileset dir="web/jsp"/>
> <fileset dir="images"/>
> <lib dir="lib"/>
> <classes dir="bin"/>
> <webinf dir="web"/>
> </war>
> </target>
> <target name="createEntitiesJar">
> <jar destfile="lib/entities.jar" basedir="bin"
> includes="beans/entity/**">
> <metainf dir="bin/META-INF/"/>
> </jar>
> </target>
> <target name="createSessionsJar">
> <jar destfile="sessions.jar" basedir="bin"
> includes="beans/service/**">
> </jar>
> </target>
> </project>
>> The sun-appserv-update task is used to expedite your deployement by
>> copying the files that are modified in your development environment.
>> This task can only be executed on the same machine as the Application
>> Server.
> The appserver runs on the same machine as I'm developing.
> If I change a file (e. g. a .jsp file), the .war and the .ear files
> are updated but the changes are not reflected on the server.
> The update task should be aware which files have changed, but the
> update is not working.
> I'm still getting the folllowing output:
> [sun-appserv-update] Warning: module app.ear does not exist in server
> repository.
> [sun-appserv-update] All files are up-to-date.
> cheers,
> Gerald
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