Problem updating a view, submitting fron a selectOneMenu

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 01:25:27 PST


I have a problem updating a view when I submit using 'onchange' event in a selectOneMenu (or other component that write an html-select output).

When I use the onchange event to submit the view, if I have another component (B), text or jstl syntax after the select component that is submitting the view (A), that A component disappear. Not always, only when the B component is optional and is depending on any property selected in A. It disappears when you select a property (in A) that do a visible HTML layout (in B).

Here is an example:

<h:panelGrid columns="6" cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="3px">
        Name:<h:inputText value="#{}" styleClass="textfield" maxlength="25">
            <f:validator validatorId="DBParamChecker"/><f:validateLength maximum="25" />
        Surname:<h:inputText value="#{Bean.surname}" styleClass="textfield" maxlength="25">
            <f:validator validatorId="DBParamChecker"/><f:validateLength maximum="25" />
        Result Type:<h:selectOneMenu value="#{Bean.ResultType}" styleClass="textfield" onchange="submit();" immediate="true" > [u]<!-- this is the A component -->[/u]
            <f:selectItems value="#{Bean.availableResultType}" />
        <c:choose> [u]<!-- this is the B component -->[/u]
              <c:when test="${Bean.ResultType == '1'}">
              <c:when test="${Bean.ResultType == '2'}">

When you select resulttype='3' and then resultType='2' the select component disappear if I submit using the select. But if I encapsulate the JSTL core statement 'if' inside a panelgroup, the problem disappears.

The code I use to get the layout that I want:

        [b]<h:panelGroup layout="block">[/b]
                <c:when test="${Bean.ResultType == '1'}">
                <c:when test="${Bean.ResultType == '2'}">
       [b] </h:panelGroup>[/b]

I don't know if that is the right way. But I think it is tedious to have to encapsulate the jstl statement to get what I want.

I have been looking for this behavior in the forum but I didn't find any message with my search string ("select event onchange"), neither in the documentation of jsf (sun's version).

Is it a bug? Am I on a mistake?


Comments: Sorry if I there is errors with my english.
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