Community conference call (meeting) on GlassFish V3 features

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 16:00:57 -0700

There is a great discussion happening on how to make GlassFish a
better development and deployment environment:

I'd like to have a community meeting (conference call) to discuss this
in real-time. I'd like to get community feedback on the following
times and we'll pick a slot:

Wednesday, Nov 7th @ 8:00am Pacific Time
Wednesday, Nov 7th @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

Thursday, Nov 8th @ 8:00am Pacific Time
Thursday, Nov 8th @ 5:00pm Pacific Time

We can also try for mid-day, but I'm not sure how that will work for
folks over-seas.

Please RSVP to this thread with features you would like to discuss in
more depth (Sun & non-Sun folks alike). If we get a lot of feedback
we'll schedule followup calls and perhaps break them down by topic.
I'll send out the call-in information in a subsequent post when we
narrow down a time slot.
