The domain.xml snippet in question is:
<web-module availability-enabled="false" context-root="/PDMLinkX10" directory-deployed="true" enabled="true" location="D:/viewstore/jessh_static_x10_view/Windchill/codebase" name="PDMLinkX10" object-type="user"/>
to which I've had at various times libraries="D:/viewstore/jessh_static_x10_view/Windchill/codebase" or libraries="."
Again unless directories listed in libraries are added [i]before[/i] the usual classloader entries for the web app (i.e. WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib/*.jar), this is not of interest since a similar edit in sun-web.xml can append such entries to the classloader list. I'm just looking for an ability to [i]insert[/i].
[Message sent by forum member 'jess_holle' (jess_holle)]