Re: Calling the linux shell from Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 13:22:01 PDT

Hi, many thanks for your reply - I commented out again the package statements and recompiled the three Java files, then executed listing 1 from the CLI, and it called up the other code correctly and worked.

I then copied over the compiled code from listings 2 and 3 to the /web/WEB-INF/classes/com/corejsf folder, created a ".war" file and copied it over to the autodeploy folder. The localhost:4848 console said that the application had been deployed, but I got an error 503 "Requested service is currently unavailable" in my browser. For good measure I moved the two class files up the tree to the ..../classes folder, created a new ".war" file and redeployed it to Glassfish. This time I got an error 500 "The server encountered and internal error...." message, followed by a message that the classes can't be instantiated.

So it looks as if the package declaration is required for the code to work on the server, which I've been unable to do, but the package declarations have to be omitted if I want to run the code from the CLI in the folder containing the classes. There must be a way of out this impasse.

Some quick feedback would be most appreciated, as it's now after 10 pm where I am.
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