Performance Issue

From: Dennis Gesker <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:07:18 -0600

Ubuntu Linux Kernel 2.6.20-16
Pentium 4 Processor 4 GB of Ram
Java 1.6.0-b105

I seem to be having an issue with Glassfish (after a couple of days) using
all the CPU and making the rest of the system unresponsive. I am able login
to the Admin console but even from this location I an unable to stop the
instance of the server. Ultimately the machine become so unresponsive I have
to to a hard restart.

The server is not under a heavy load. The server is running three instances
of JSPWiki (fronted by Apache2 on a different server) each of which get
fewer than 10 hits a day.

I've made changes to -Xms384m and -Xmx384m and added an -Xss64k entry.

Could anyone offer any hints to put me and this machine on the right track?

Dennis R. Gesker
Key Id: 0xEFA10A51
First things first, but not necessarily in that order. -- Unknown