Re: Produce Message From Message Driven Bean - createQueueConnection

From: Cheng Fang <Cheng.Fang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:02:07 -0400

Pls see my comments inline... wrote:
> We are using Message Driven Bean to
> - get the message from a Queue
> - process it
> - and Produce the processed messages to a Queue
> This question is regarding producing message from a Message Driven Bean
> In the Sun Java System App Server 9.1 performance tunning guide's "Tuning Message-Driven Beans" section it is mentioned
> [u][b]Caution[/b][/u]:
> Previous to version 8.1, it was possible to reuse a connection with a servlet or EJB component.That is, the servlet could call getConnection() in its init() method and then continually call getSession() for each servlet invocation. If you use JMS within a global transaction, that no longer works: [i]applications can only call getSession() once for each connection.[/i] After than, the connection must be closed (which doesn’t actually close the connection; it merely returns it to the pool). This is a general feature of portable J2EE 1.4 applications; the Sun Java System
> Application Server enforces that restriction where previous (J2EE 1.3-based) application servers did not.
> and also in the next paragraph "[u][b]Limit Use of JMS Connections[/b][/u]"
> When designing an application that uses JMS connections make sure you use a methodology that sparingly uses connections, by either pooling them or using the same connection for multiple sessions.
> [u][b]The above two seem contradictory[/b][/u].
Yeah, but in essence they are both talking about efficiently sharing
connections among multiple components.
> In our scenario what would be the best suited option to produce a message from MDB:
> 1. create a static connection object from the QueueConnectionFactory in the ejbCreate() method
> put a synchronised lock on it and use this in all the instances of the Bean to create QueueSession
> instance level declarations
> @Resource(mappedName = "jms/ConnectionFactory")
> private QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory;
> private static QueueConnection queueConnection = null;
> private static Object lockCon = new Object();
> private static Object lockSession = new Object();
> in ejbCreate()
> synchronized(lockCon){
> if(queueConnection == null){
> queueConnection = queueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
> queueConnection.start();
> }
> }
> while producing the message on to the queue
> synchronized(lockSession){
> qSession = queueConnection.createQueueSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
> }
> [b]Advantage[/b]:
> - we are just using one connection per application.
> - recommended approach in the "Limit Use of JMS Connections" section
> [b]Disadvantage[/b]:
> - connection is not pooled and contradicts the caution statement.
> - In this approach we see few of the messages getting orphaned on the "mq.sys.dmq" queue
> - where and when do we close the connection as it is shared by all the instances.
Besides the poor sharing, EJBs are not allowed to handle thread
operations, e.g., via synchronized
> 2. create a new connection(non static) object from the QueueConnectionFactory in the ejbCreate() and close the connection in the ejbRemove()
> [u][b]Advantage[/b][/u]:
> - we do not get any orphaned messages on the "mq.sys.dmq" queue.
> - appears to perform better than #1 approach
> [u][b]Disadvantage[/b][/u]:
> - the bean hangs on to the connection till its instance is created.So not a very efficient use of Connection Pooling
Since MDB is pooled, all instances including idle ones have their
dedicated connections, which is a waste. Instance removal is up to the
container and some instances may never be removed. Besides, the
connection in those idle instances may time out and become unusable.
> 3. create a connection object in the onMessage() get a session out of it produce message and close the connection in the finally.
> [b]Advantage[/b]:
> - onMessage always gets a refreshed connection from the QueueConnectionFactory.
> [b]Disadvantage[/b]:
> - contradicts the statement in the "Limit Use of JMS Connections" block.
This is what I understand the preferred approach described in the above
> Please suggest what should be the best approach. we need lot of processing through put in this system.
> [Message sent by forum member 'singhrvijay2007' (singhrvijay2007)]
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