Re: Schema Validation & BPEL Deployment Issue

From: Suresh Potiny <Suresh.Potiny_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:59:16 -0700

Sending the email to the right forum for a quick answer. BPEL team, can
you take a shot at Allen's issue?

allen_a_george wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to deploy a BPEL project using a service generated by Apache
> Muse. Unfortunately, it fails rather horribly with the following output.
> It looks like there's an error in parsing the XML namespace schema (?!)
> I've attached the output below. Is this really the cause of the error? If
> so, can I turn off schema validation for certain XSD files? I'm also having
> this problem with other W3C/Oasis schemas which are obviously out of my
> control...
> Any help is really appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Allen
> Output from Glassfish v2 (bundled w/ NB 6.0Beta)
> -------------------------------------------------
> Building jar: C:\dev\src\TestCA\dist\
> run-jbi-deploy:
> [undeploy-service-assembly]
> Undeploying a service assembly...
> host=localhost
> port=5858
> name=TestCA
> [deploy-service-assembly]
> Deploying a service assembly...
> host=localhost
> port=5858
> file=C:\dev\src\TestCA/dist/
> [start-service-assembly]
> Starting a service assembly...
> host=localhost
> port=5858
> name=TestCA
> Failed execution of Start: TestCA
> * Component: sun-bpel-engine
> ERROR: () <component-task-result>
> <component-name>sun-bpel-engine</component-name>
> <component-task-result-details
> xmlns="">
> <task-result-details>
> <task-id>Init</task-id>
> <task-result>FAILED</task-result>
> <message-type>ERROR</message-type>
> <exception-info>
> <nesting-level>1</nesting-level>
> <msg-loc-info>
> <loc-token>BPELSE</loc-token>
> <loc-message>Service unit TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger failed
> to load deployment
> C:\dev\glassfish-v2-b58g\domains\domain1\jbi\service-assemblies\TestCA.2\TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger\sun-bpel-engine
> :Error while loading BPEL file
> C:\dev\glassfish-v2-b58g\domains\domain1\jbi\service-assemblies\TestCA.2\TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger\sun-bpel-engine\Changer.bpel,
> Exception details are Cannot parse BPEL (see below):
> ==> Cannot load imported document
> com.sun.bpel.model.impl.ImportImpl_at_16c6310={<?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <import namespace="http://shipping.tracking"
> location="Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl"
> importType=""></import>} (see
> below):
> ==> Unable to import wsdl document for import
> com.sun.bpel.model.impl.ImportImpl_at_16c6310={<?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <import namespace="http://shipping.tracking"
> location="Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl"
> importType=""></import>} (see
> below):
> ==> Failed to resolve publicId http://shipping.tracking and systemId
> Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl to a WSDLDocument. (see
> below):
> ==> Failed to parser xsd document
> file:/C:/dev/glassfish-v2-b58g/domains/domain1/jbi/service-assemblies/TestCA.2/TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger/sun-bpel-engine/Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl
> (see below):
> ==> Cannot load WSDL
> file:/C:/dev/glassfish-v2-b58g/domains/domain1/jbi/service-assemblies/TestCA.2/TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger/sun-bpel-engine/Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl
> (see below):
> ==> Error parsing wsdl
> file:/C:/dev/glassfish-v2-b58g/domains/domain1/jbi/service-assemblies/TestCA.2/TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger/sun-bpel-engine/Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl
> (see below):
> ==> Cannot parse WSDL (see below):
> ==> Cannot parse inline schema(see below):
> ==> In document: ''
> Parsing Error : The element type "LI" must be terminated by the matching
> end-tag "</LI>".
> Line : 20
> Column : 7
> </loc-message>
> </msg-loc-info>
> <stack-trace>com.sun.jbi.engine.bpel.impl.BPELSEException: Error
> while loading BPEL file
> C:\dev\glassfish-v2-b58g\domains\domain1\jbi\service-assemblies\TestCA.2\TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger\sun-bpel-engine\Changer.bpel,
> Exception details are Cannot parse BPEL (see below):
> ==> Cannot load imported document
> com.sun.bpel.model.impl.ImportImpl_at_16c6310={<?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <import namespace="http://shipping.tracking"
> location="Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl"
> importType=""></import>} (see
> below):
> ==> Unable to import wsdl document for import
> com.sun.bpel.model.impl.ImportImpl_at_16c6310={<?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <import namespace="http://shipping.tracking"
> location="Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl"
> importType=""></import>} (see
> below):
> ==> Failed to resolve publicId http://shipping.tracking and systemId
> Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl to a WSDLDocument. (see
> below):
> ==> Failed to parser xsd document
> file:/C:/dev/glassfish-v2-b58g/domains/domain1/jbi/service-assemblies/TestCA.2/TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger/sun-bpel-engine/Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl
> (see below):
> ==> Cannot load WSDL
> file:/C:/dev/glassfish-v2-b58g/domains/domain1/jbi/service-assemblies/TestCA.2/TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger/sun-bpel-engine/Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl
> (see below):
> ==> Error parsing wsdl
> file:/C:/dev/glassfish-v2-b58g/domains/domain1/jbi/service-assemblies/TestCA.2/TestCA-ShippingConditionChanger/sun-bpel-engine/Partners/ShipmentResource/ShipmentResource.wsdl
> (see below):
> ==> Cannot parse WSDL (see below):
> ==> Cannot parse inline schema(see below):
> ==> In document: ''
> Parsing Error : The element type "LI" must be terminated by the matching
> end-tag "</LI>".
> Line : 20
> Column : 7
> </stack-trace>
> </exception-info>
> </task-result-details>
> </component-task-result-details>
> </component-task-result>
> * Component: sun-http-binding
> ERROR: (SOAPBC_START_1) Start error java.lang.Exception:
> LifecycleException: PWC3985: Protocol handler initialization failed:
> Already bound: 8080
> C:\dev\src\TestCA\nbproject\build-impl.xml:239: Service assembly deployment
> failed.

Suresh Potiny
Open ESB Community (