Re: JPA + database triggers or other non-JPA db manipulation

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:43:49 -0700

Hi Witold,

Please be aware of the issue when em.find()
executed before any update in this EM, can't see an entity inserted by JDBC in
the same transaction.


Witold Szczerba wrote:
> Hello there,
> I have a question about how does JPA handle changes in tables made by
> database triggers or other JDBC connections (from within the same EJB
> module of course).
> If I change database record using JDBC and then I invoke
> em.find(Something.class, someID), will TopLink figure out that
> something changed? Or will I get stale data?
> If I use @Version fields, are they going to help? For example, JPA
> could check if version changed and reload entity automatically.
> I am asking, because I have application that is using JPA, but JPA is
> really bad for massive data modifications. In my case, I have few
> services like the one that has to update about 20.000 records -
> calculation of interest on every active loan. The result of that will
> create Transaction entities, AccountEntry entities, it has to update
> loan's checkDate/status property generate proper Actions, check
> Actions generated before to insert or update Tasks...etc...)
> With JDBC, very similar operations can be done in seconds, but using
> JPA that would last for ever because of thousands of separate selects,
> huge memory footprint...
> I am just worried, if I implement this using DataSource bypassing
> EntityManager, will I desynchronize EM cache with database? That would
> lead to disaster :/
> Thanks,
> Witold Szczerba
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